Talisman is an object that resembles something and thus evokes the same. The difference between a talisman and amulets is that the amulets have passive power for protection and assistance while talismans have active power for the achievement of a goal or goals.

Symbols are the archetypal images, and they act on the psyche of the individual and the masses. Each symbol has, besides all its vibration. “Connection close” frequency for a target is more likely to achieve that goal. Of course the symbol becomes stronger by infusing emotional and mental energy into it.

Many carry different symbols with them, although they are not aware of their power and strength. The best known religious symbols for example are a cross or a medallion of St. Benedict, who has a clean image of a talisman with the words “vade retro satana.” Relics are also a form of talismans, “remnants of power”, the parts of the martyrs and saints who help believers in their spiritual paths..

The symbol can be a geometric shape, color, image or all together. An important component for making talismans is the time of making because each planet is ruled by a certain day and certain hours. Talismans can be made from various materials but the most important thing is that these materials are natural and to monitor correspondent tables. Gems are made of precious and semi-precious stones, but talismans can be made even from paper.

C. G. Jung was the first who scientifically conducted experiments and found that the symbols act on each part of his subconscious levels, and therefore the consciousness. Many life situations are based on causal and non-causal laws (theory of synchronicity).

Talisman act but do not act at all. The wearer must be in line with the logical sequences and opportunities. Talisman for an example will not work if people do not learn or evolve their minds.