siddhi powers

Siddhi powers – Chakras are energy centers that are interelated with the autonomous, parasympathetic and and sympathetic nervous systems. Each individual perceives and understands life through the perspective of the chakra in which he feels the most comfortable relating from.

This is called the “Point of Awareness”. In a sense the chakra of the primary point of awareness colours the experience. It is like a filter on a camera, contributing to “Maya” which in the ancient sense of the word was not illusion but rather a faulty or filtered perception of reality as presented by the senses. Knowledge is lacking for acurate perception or interpretation. When the point of awareness-the
presiding state of consciousness-and kundalini merge in the upper chakras, enlightenment experiences occur. Sometimes they are permanent, sometimes not.

Siddhi Powers 2

Siddhi Powers are gained by focusing on various chakras causing an activation of that specific energy center.

Considered to be the Warrior Siddhi Powers:

Trikalajriatvam – knowledge of the past, present and future.
Advandvam: to be beyond pleasure-pain, cold-heat, soft-hard. Non-duality.
Parachittadyabhijnata: knowledge of dreams and the mind.
Pratishtambah: control of effect of fire, wind, water, poisons, weapons, and the sun.
Aparajayah: Victorious. Not able to be defeated.

The next are considered only to occur as the heart begins to purify and flower:

Anumimattvam: hunger, thirst, grief, sorrow, infatuation, delusion and confusion of the mind, old age and death do not harm the body.
Doorshravan: to hear, sitting at one place, speech from however distant a place.
Dudarshan: to see simultaneously events and things in all the realms.
Manojava: the body can travel at the speed of thought to any place.
Kaamaroopa: to assume any form. Shapeshifting.
Parakayapravesh: ability to enter into another’s body, whether they are dead or alive.
Swachchandamrutyu: to die at one’s own will, death having no control over one.
Sahakridanudarshanam: to see the sports of gods in heaven and have capacity and prowess to participate in it.
Yathaasamkalpa samsiddhi: to attain whatever is desired.
Ajnaapratihataagatih: whereby one’s command and movement have no Obstruction.

Highest siddhi powers:

Anima: the reduction of one’s form to one atom. Invisibility
Mahima/Garima: the body can be made to be very heavy.
Laghima: the body can be made to be extremely light
Prapti: abilty to acquire objects of sense pertaining to the respective organs.
Prakaashya: to see invisible things in other realms.
Ishitaa: to stimulate bodies and creatures Control of forces of nature.
Vashita: to have control or dominion over the senses.
Yatkamastadavasyati: To obtain joy by willing it so. The cessation of misery and desire. This is considered to be the highest state of bliss.